Collection: Australia Day Lure Awards 2025

Its on again in 2025 - The most prestigious and Aussie lure making awards.

We are running a bit late this year with Entries to be posted in by the end of February 2025. 

Get your idea in to Matt and start now on your Entry for 2024! 

Idea submissions are required so there are no double ups on ideas.

Read all Rules please. 

The Brief – To create a timber fishing lure with a unique Aussie theme for Australia Day. Be creative, be unique, be original, think Aussie. 

This is your opportunity to come up with a unique idea then test your skills by bringing the idea to life in timber, then getting it to swim. Once you know it works, then paint and finish it to really bring it to life.

The three criteria for the awards are

1. the Aussie idea

2. the execution, and

3. the swim action. 


1. Australian residents Only  

2. One Entry Only per person

3. Lure body must be primarily wood, with two or more sets of single, double or treble hooks. Maximum weight 250g (castable) 

4. Lure must have a swimming action - and it will be pool tested. 

5. Lure must have an Australian theme and be G rated (family friendly) 

6. Lure ideas to be submitted by email to to ensure there are no double ups on ideas. Watch previous Awards videos, for what has already been done - Barambah Lures Youtube channel. You can re-visit ideas from previous years, but the impact may be lessened. 

7. Entries cannot be Shown or shared on any form of social media until after the Awards presentation.  Entries are to remain anonymous to not affect any judging or voting. The makers will be revealed only in the Awards Presentation video.  

8. Entries to be posted before the end of February 2025, for testing and filming.    

Post to Matt Fraser

Parcel Collect 10156 52833

Sunnybank Plaza

Shop 77, 358 Mains Road

Sunnybank QLD 4109

Please post entry in a Cardboard Box, not a padded bag, to reduce chances of damage. Entries will be posted back within 10 days of end of competition, please add $10 cash to cover return postage. All entries returned within 7 days of Awards

 9. Each entry requires - A - Your Name, B - Lure Name, C - Brand (if you have one), and D - short story about the lure idea/background. 80 words or less 

10. Judging in 2025 will be done by a panel of 10 judges, made up of members from  the Fishing Media, Lure Collecting and and Lure Makers. 

There will also be a people's choice awards based on public voting on social media.

The Voting Video for people's choice award will drop around the 10 th Feb 2025 on Social Media. Voting will be on a 3,2,1 system. The voting video can be shared, but lure makers are not to reveal publicly which lure is their entry. 

PRIZES -  Winner $350 Cash plus Hand Made Trophy,  Runner Up $150 Cash plus Hand Made Trophy

Lure Makers Lucky Draw – Supported by Glenlyon Dam Tourist Park  - 2 Nights Accommodation. 

People's Choice Voters  Lucky Draw - $100 Barambah Voucher 

Barambah Lures proudly supports Australian Timber Lure Making Talent by hosting the Australia Day Lure Awards 






The OG Barambah Logo 


Follow the Timber Barambah's Facebook page for up to date information on Timber Barambah's. 

The Background and History of Barambah Lures

Barambah Lures built its reputation on timber lures, created by Matt Fraser. The most well-known models being the Barambah Dragon, Budgie, Cray, Blue Tongue and JD Cod Lures.

Originally these were made for fishing for Murray Cod, but in a short space of time more were finding their way into collectors cabinets on display. The Barambah Range has become well known for its natural and realistic finishes. It is now one of the most sought after lure brands for collectors in Australia, and they continue to grow in value.


Matt started making timber lures in 2015 as a hobbie which quickly became an passion/obsession. The first models produced were the Mamba Lures, inspired by Flick's Cobra and the Tenterfield Dart. The Mamba won the Peter Newell Memorial fishing competition at Glenlyon Dam that year, and was further Developed to become the B68 and eventually the B60. Both of which won the same comp in years to follow. 

The first four Barambah Crays were made in 2015, followed by a small batch of 30 in total in the 2015 Batch. 


Working as a Design Consultant for Pure Fishing at the time, Matt developed a range of divers and Jointed Paddlers both in three sizes. From Timber masters, silicone molds were made and urethane bodies were poured. After very successful testing trips to Glenlyon and Copeton Dams, these were presented to Pure Fishing, but were declined for mass production.  

FULLTIME in 2016

This was the a turning point. A few months later, Matt quit his job of twelve years, and went fulltime with Barambah Lures. Jumping in the deep end with timber lures was a really learning curve.

Driven by passion to succeed on his own merit. New lures were developed, and timber production was in full swing quickly. After visiting several of the modern timber makers, Matt made his own copy lathe, to step up production. 

Lure Expo 2016 was a huge one for Barambah, with the launch of the Barambah Dragon (designed only 2 weeks before the event) The first 16 Dragons were sold out and it won best topwater lure. In time, three sizes were produced, Large, Mid and Baby Dragons. These became very popular and hundreds have been made since. 

by November of 2016 the first Barambah Blue Tongues were made. These were reshaped based on a real blue tongue living in the backyard. Made in batches of a dozen at a time, 100 Collector Blue Tongues were made in total, presented on a leather card. Numbered and dated. 


2017 and 2018 were huge years for Timber Barambah's, perhaps the most creative and productive years with more Blue Tongues made, then the JD Cod and Budgie added to the range. Working massive hours in the shed, handmaking and painting lures. Developing new models and learning paint processes. Lots of trial and error, in both manufacturing, painting, sales channels, and business.  

The second run of Cray Lures was released in 2017. Only 51 were made in this batch, prices started at $250, but the last few were auctioned and reached up to $600, a record price at the time. 



By mid 2018, it was decided to step up to production lures. The start of a massive learning curve. After several trips to overseas factories the first ABS plastic lures landed in very late 2018 and were hand delivered just in time for Christmas - the Bidjiwong 200 and Manic Budgie. These were well received in the Booming Murray Cod market. Further models were developed in 2019.

2020 COVID LOCKDOWNS - Back to Timber 

Although most of the fishing tackle industry boomed with Covid. Barambah Lures was focused on the Freshwater Market and Victoria. Which happened to be the most locked down state in the world. Fortunately not a day of work was lost, and Barambah Lures could fall back to timber lures, and the public really supported Barambah Lures through this time. 


 TIMBER BARAMBAH's in 2021 to 2023

Throughout this period Barambah was juggling between timber and production lures. With the help of Wes Watson making a big difference in keeping timber lures moving steadily forward. The IED surface lures were released at Expo 22. These were based off the lures designed for Pure Fishing in 2015/16, but put on a shelf until 7 years had past. 


Barambah early lure shapes were influenced by Shane Murphy's Vipers and Flicks Cobras. But overall it was the early Lure and Fly Expo's that lit a spark, and a flame was fanned by Lure Lovers website. Leaning the full history of Australian Lure making inspired by the early makers such as Eric Moller, Norm Edwards, Peter Newell, Carl Grist, Jeff Reid, Shane Murphy, Brett Campbell, Trevor McFeeters to name a few key ones. 

Then the modern makers stepped in to inspire and educate.  Kerry Ehrlich from Kezza Lures, Aaron Young from Kuttafurra, Bryan Power from Power Lures all helped out in learning the processes of modern wood working and painting processes. 

One of the key things picked up from Shane at Viper lures, was to hand sign and date each lure. This adds to story of the lure and makes it more valuable in time. 
MODERN TIMBER BARAMBAHsDragon Head Bottle Openers for Sammy Hitzke Fishing


            LURE EXPO's 

Run by Gary Fitzgerald and his team, these have been huge events for the timber lure makers, and helped to showcase Barambah Lures to the public. 

The build up to each expo is logistics exercise starting 2 to 3 months out to purchase hooks, cards and various components. Then its time to put in the long hours to shape timber, sand, drill, glue and paint. Coming down to the final week of sleep deprivation and recruiting friends and family to attach hooks and cards. All made worthwhile when the public show their appreciation at the Expo. 

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